Enquiry A non-binding enquiryBooking enquiry
Title* Mr.Mrs./Miss
name (1st.name) and surname* Organisation*
Street/Nr* Postal code/Town* Country*
Tel.* E-Mail*
Desired date of arrival*: Desired date of departure*:
Adults* (17+) Youth* (11-16) Children* (6-10) Children* (3-5) Children* (under 3)
Single room 2-bed apartment 4-bed apartment 6-bed apartment 8-bed apartment
Special diets? (e.g. vegetarian, food allergies) Would you like a special offer or book an accompanying person?
*Thanks, I have read the privacy policy (http://ferienstaette-dorfweil.de/en/data-privacy-statement/) and agree that the data I've provided can be collected and stored accordingly. However my data should be strictly used in order to process and respond to my request. I therefore confirm that my data can be used for its intended purpose.
* These fields are mandatory and must be completed.
Bitte lasse dieses Feld leer.
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Durch Angabe meiner E-Mail-Adresse und Anklicken des Buttons „Abonnieren“ erkläre ich mich damit einverstanden, dass die Ferienstätte Dorfweil mir regelmäßig Informationen per E-Mail zuschickt. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit gegenüber der Ferienstätte Dorfweil widerrufen.